Our engineering experience includes structural design in many sectors, including: Educational, Medical, Athletic, Hotels, Religious and Office buildings. Some of our featured commercial projects are presented below.

Atieh II hospital equipped with damping devices and steel plate shear walls.

3D render images of the building , courtesy of Emarat Khorshid Consulting Engineers
Moshampa Restaurant
The architectural design of this project was by Mr. Kamran Dehgan at Emarat Khorshid Consulting Engineers. The structural system resolved in a creative way through a close collaboration between the engineer and architect. Steel was selected for the framing members to take the advantage of prefabricating the beams and columns (welded built-up sections). Two V-shaped diagonal braces were defined on both sides of the second floor plan to achieve a story-height truss along each longitudinal side. These story-height trusses supported the extraordinary long cantilevers of this story. Round hollow steel sections were selected for the brace diagonals. The edge girders were designed to also perform as the top and bottom chords of these trusses. Concrete shear walls with embedded steel columns were designed as composite shear walls to efficiently anchor the story-height trusses and to resists earthquake loads. The composite shear walls expected to have a superior seismic performance compared to traditional steel braced frames. Unlike typical structures, all the stair stringers and framings were purposefully designed as part of the lateral load-carying system to increase the torsional stiffness of the building. A strip footing was designed for the structure to reduce differential settlements and to provide a more structural integrity at the base.

3D render images of the building, courtesy of Emarat Khorshid Consulting Engineers
Sarein Spa resort
This single story building was designed for heath and entertainment applications. The project was located in Sarein, a small town in Ardebil city, which is famous for its mineral hot springs. The architectural design of the building was by Mr. Kamran Dehgan (Emarat Khorshid Consulting Engineers). The irregular geometric configuration of the building and the expected highly humid conditions were some of the challenges in the structural design of the project. Reinforced concrete structure with a specific concrete mix design was proposed for the structural design of building to address corrosion.

8048 Ritchie HWY, Pasadena
The scope of work for this project, located in Pasadena, Maryland, was to upgrade the existing roof framing for a set of additional roof-top equipment. Flat metal roofs with slender steel beams and joists are susceptible to instability and collapse due to rain and snow-induced ponding effects. Structural collapse of commercial buildings that had been gone through roof top equipment installation, have occurred in Maryland. Special analysis and design considerations are required for this type of structural modification. After a careful evaluations of the as-built structure, it was realized that the existing structure is not adequate to sustain the anticipated additional loads. To upgrade the roof system for the additional loads, PSE designed a reinforcing method that was practical and cost-effective.
Shoosh commercial complex
This building has twelve stories, of which five stories were below grade and serving as underground parking floors. Upper levels have shopping stores and office spaces. Pirmoz designed this project in 2012. A steel framing system with composite floors was selected as the vertical load-carrying system for the building. Concrete shear walls with embedded steel columns at each end were used to resist earthquake loads, which were the governing lateral loads. The implemented system eliminated the need for expensive seismic connections and enabled pre-fabricating the built-up steel beams and columns to increase construction speed and minimize field labor.

Elevated garage floor
The property owner hired PSE to evaluate the existing elevated floor which was intended to be used as an automobile repair shop. A car lift has already been installed on the floor and trucks were expected to park. The main load carrying system was comprised of steel frames with timber joists & flooring. The basic challenge of the project was that the slender steel beams were laterally unsupported, creating a potential for lateral-torsional instability of the beams and collapse of the floor. PSE performed a detailed structural analysis considering this issue and designed a reinforcing method that avoided a need for costly field modification, welding or drilling of steel members. The reinforcing assembly included only timber material with lighter accessories. Elaborate construction drawings and details developed to facilitate the construction of the reinforcing assembly.

Automobile repair shop, Elkton
PSE was hired to evaluate the automobile repair shop structure which has been altered to accommodate car lifts. Field investigations revealed that building structure had underwent several alterations and changes over many years, complicating its vertical and lateral load paths. PSE analyzed the structure and concluded that the as-built structure needs a significant upgrade aligned with the original structural configuration. The challenges imposed by the space limitations tackled by designing an unconventional timber framing which could reliability revive the structural integrity with a convenient construction.

Bazargan gas stations, Architect Mr. A. Ghaffarzadeh
- (571) 888-1590
- info@pirmoz-structural.com
Pirmoz Structural Engineering, LLC
1451 Rockville Pike Suite 250, Rockville, MD 20852